Monday, 22 August 2016

Learning React Native: Building Native Mobile Apps with JavaScript

  1. What is React Native ?  
  2.  Working with React Native
  3.  Building Your First Application
  4. Components for Mobile
    1. Analogies Between HTML Elements and Native Components
      1. The Text Component,
      2. The Image Component,
    2. Working with Touch and Gestures
      1. Using TouchableHighlight
      2. The GestureResponder System,
      3. PanResponder,
        1. Choosing how to handle touch
    3. Working with Organizational Components
      1. Using ListView
        1. FlatList,
        2. SectionList,
      2. Using Navigators
      3. Other Organizational Components
        1. Android Design Guide,
        2. iOS Human Interface Guidelines,
      4. Platform-Spesific Components
        1. iOS- or Android-Only Components
        2. Components with Platform-Specific Versions
        3. When to Use Platform-Specific Components
      5. Summary
  5. Styles
    1. Declaring and Manipulating Styles
      1. Inline Styles
      2. Styling with Objects
      3. Using Stylesheet.Create
        1. Style,
      4. Style Concatenation
    2. Organization and Inheritance
      1. Exporting Style Objects
      2. Passing Styles as Props
      3. Reusing and Sharing Styles
    3. Positioning and Designing Layouts
      1. Layouts with Flexbox
        1. Using CSS Flexible Boxes,
      2. Using Absolute Positioning
      3. Putting it Together
    4. Summary
      1. React: CSS in JS,
  6. Platform APIs
    1. Using Geolocation.
      1. Getting the User’s Location
      2. Handling Permissions
      3. Testing Geolocation In the iOS Simulator
      4. Testing Geolocation In the Android Simulator
      5. Watching the User’s Location
      6. Limitations
      7. Updating the Weather Application
    2.  Accessings the User’s Images and Camera
      1.  The CameraRoll Module
      2.  Requesting Images with GetPhotoParams
      3.  Rendering an Image from the Camera Roll
      4. Displaying a List of Photos
      5. Uploading an Image to a Server
    3. Storing Persistent Data with AsyncStore
      1.  Other Storage Options
    4. The SmarterWeather Application
      1. The WeatherProject Component
      2. The Forecast Component
      3. The Button Component
      4. The LocationButton Component
      5. The PhotoBackdrop Component
    5. Summary
  7. Modules
    1. Installing JavaScript Libraries with npm
    2. Native Modules for iOS
      1. Including a Third-Party Component
      2. Using the Video Component
      3. Anatomy  of an Objective-C Native Module
      4. Implementation of RCTVideo
    3. Native Modules for Android
      1. Installing a Third-Party Component
        1. react-native-linear-gradient, A <LinearGradient /> component for react-native,
        2. Anatomy of a Java Native Module, 
          1. Log,
        3. Android Implementation of LinearGradient
          1. Native UI Components,
    4. Cross-Platform Native Modules


  1. Belajar Bareng React Native,
  2.  Errata for Learning React Native,
  3. Code samples for the book Learning React Native,

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